I would like to jump in. Our sentiments are similar to what the last gentleman said. We've had a lot of good workings with the EDC.
When we have a lot of general meetings throughout the year, we've had EDC at a round table discussion with some of our major banks. The banks can do certain things for us in long-term and short-term financing. They work in harmony or cooperation with EDC. Each one states what they can and can't do for us.
Again, what our individual members work out with them is their own business. As I said, we've had very good cooperation in general. It is a great option to have available to us when needed. We appreciate that EDC program. As the last gentleman said, there have been some changes, but in general we are very supportive of it.
I was wondering, and I don't know if this is appropriate, but the last question that was asked to me about Buy American—