Thank you.
Mr. Etchegary, thank you very much. Clearly, you have a history and a passion for your province and the fishery that's probably unrivalled, so thank you for coming.
I'd like you to comment on three things. First is the fact that as a total export market to the U.S., our primary sale of all seafood has been in overall decline from the early 2000s to today. There were 256 processing plants in Newfoundland in 1989, and now there are approximately 87.
The final thing I'd like you to comment on is the $400 million fisheries fund that the federal government is committing, $280 million of that with Premier Dunderdale and the Newfoundland government, as a way of taking advantage of CETA and recognizing that there could be some innovation and things needed to make sure that the processing levels there now, which have been in decline for the last few decades, remain strong through innovation.
Could I have your comments on any of that, please.