Ecological economist. Yes, thank you.
Great. I think that's wonderful.
You mentioned something. I just want to give you some clarification there because I didn't want to leave the impression that you are opposed to.... Well, I guess I would say this.
If you look at the history of mankind, it has been one of clearing forests, of mining, of extraction. I think if we look at our history and see how we've made discoveries, it's been a direct result of those things. You're not suggesting, of course, that this agreement should put an end to that.
I'm in the car business, for instance. I remember when there was an outcry on the pollution back in the eighties. Somebody said one time that a car that was produced in 1987 as opposed to one that was produced in 1980—I think those were the words—was 13 times cleaner.
Humanity has an amazing capability to correct wrongs that we make, but meanwhile we move forward.
I just wanted to give that opportunity.... Although we need to consider these things, the fact that we reach out to other nations and begin trade, there's much good that results. Would you agree with that?