It's split on TPP, as I've said. Forty-one per cent said they support, and 38% are opposed. Thirty-three per cent think the agreement will be good for Canada's economy, and 31% think it will be bad. The rest think it will be neither good nor bad or offered no response.
We're free traders. In general Canadians are predisposed to favour free trade and free trade agreements: 66% say they support free trade with other countries, and a majority think Canada's international trade with other countries has helped our economy.
There are partners that we like. Support for free trade agreements with TPP partners is significantly higher than support for the TPP itself. Support is particularly high for familiar partners like Australia, the U.S., and New Zealand, but support is also high for free trade agreements with Asian countries like Japan—70% agree—Singapore, and Vietnam. Likewise, there is strong support for FTAs with Latin American partners, with the majority of Canadians supporting free trade with Mexico, Chile, and Peru.
I just want to make one note here. Canadians think China is involved in the TPP, and the opposition for a free trade agreement with China is higher than any other of the 13 countries we asked about. Where people think China is in the TPP, it does lower support levels for the agreement.
This is a landmark deal, and this could really be made into a policy agreement.
If I can just leave you with one thought on TPP, it's that we really get the best benefit from having Japan in that agreement. We were negotiating an economic partnership agreement with Japan. It's been put on hold because of the TPP. My urge to the government would be to restart that negotiation with Japan because ultimately Canadians support that deal. We will benefit greatly from having an EPA. The Prime Minister is going to Japan in May for the G7, and this is a time when perhaps we can restart that because who knows where TPP will go, particularly in the United States.
Thank you.