I only know one way to measure success. If I'm a hockey player, I measure it in goals scored. If I'm a CEO, which I've been for almost 20 years, I measure it in terms of my quarterly and annual results, and my growth rate in business. So if we're doing x dollars of foreign direct investment today, and we do less the next year, then I think we're not doing a good job, and we will have shown that this agency is not the right agency.
In terms of coordination, one of our ideas is that we have all these agencies set up across Canada. The original idea for Invest in Canada was to set up offices in many of the major cities in Canada. We think that's the wrong idea. We have offices currently in Montreal, Toronto, Winnipeg, Calgary, Edmonton, and Vancouver. We think we can occupy those offices with Invest in Canada people working side by side at the same desks in the same areas as those people working in the regions, and show them that we're a coordinated team and that we're not trying to go out and take business away from them, or that we have a disjointed effort with them.
Having that dialogue, which we had in our cross-Canada tour with Minister Champagne, was met with great enthusiasm. We currently have only one employee, but assuming we find more employees, we plan to use the existing infrastructure to show that we're meaningful partners.