It makes me really proud to have helped them enter the market. I have to say that the Quebec government is doing a great job in Brazil, getting those companies to enter the market and supporting them.
A Canadian company did all the flooring for the subway in Sao Paulo, for example. I did the trains and trail trade show. I'm actually very proud of Quebec's presence in Brazil, because they are doing well.
You could improve that through something we did with our sister chamber in Brazil. It's a road show that explains to small businesses how business works in Brazil and does cultural training for them. The French companies are closer, in many ways to Brazilians, for example, in that theirs is a Latin language and in the way they behave and in the way they think, so that's a plus for us.
Really, it's about getting the knowledge out there that there are opportunities in the markets and that the companies should not be afraid to go into such a big market. When they look at Brazil, they see a big wall and they don't know how to go over it. They don't know the resources. The Government of Quebec is doing an amazing job in doing that, but they need to do more in terms of reaching out to those companies, the SMEs, and talking to them personally. A lot of them just go into a little bubble, just sell in Canada or in the U.S., and they don't think about going abroad and the size of the market abroad.
What you can do is educate more people on the benefits of trading with the Mercosur bloc. It's the same thing that the rest of the country should do.