I agree with that a hundred per cent. I recently had a “talking trade” workshop in my riding. EDC was one of the panellists, and they did an excellent job. There was a woman in the audience who said she would love to export, but she thought she was too small. I was like, “Aw”. It is about education and awareness. Certainly, before this committee and others we've heard from women that they're turned down for financing, that they don't have the networks. They tend to be really small companies, so they're not branching out. They're not hearing about the opportunities. And when they do look to export, they're told they're just not ready.
As another vein on that, if someone is coming to you when they're interested in exporting, but they're a first-time exporter, or maybe they're not a first-time exporter, but they're looking to export into a market that may be higher risk, does your organization suggest to them ways to mitigate risk? Do you recommend agents and distributors, strategic alliances, partnerships, or do you say “maybe not this, but maybe something else”?