High school and the skilled trades are the two things that we're looking for. You can get a job in our industry, like many, without much of an education, but if you wish to rise in the levels of technology, skilled trades, CNC machinist and mould-maker are two of the skilled trades that we are looking desperately to fill.
Jon and I both work very closely with the colleges to help promote that. We have a lot of tours from high schools and grade schools coming through our plants to tell them what the technology looks like. Modern manufacturing is not the sweatshop that they think it is, and we're actively encouraging anyone to come and have a look and see what we're about.
The government's been very good in providing opportunities to bring people who are disenfranchised into the learning stream and fulfilling the requirements that we have, because, honestly, people are our limitation right now. We'd grow faster and bigger if we had people, plain and simple.