I think Dan's story about wine is similar to stories in other sectors of the economy. We are the boy scouts on trade, and for a long time in Canada we have accepted that we can be less competitive in Canada and produce things at a higher cost and that this is okay, because other people will supply those goods to us. That has a direct and long-term economic impact.
Steel production is a good example, whether it's in Hamilton or Saskatoon or other places across the country where we make steel. A significant portion of the steel that's used for energy development in Canada, whether for pipeline or anything else, is imported steel, from Asia primarily and in some cases from Brazil.
This is a bigger structural problem that we need more serious conversations about. How do we leverage better those assets that we have and better use the talents we have in Canada to grow our economy in both the short and the long term, through major projects as well as through ongoing investment?