Yes, absolutely, there is huge opportunity for more innovation in our sector. We have expanded what we grow, based on the demand for healthy oil, and we feed our protein to livestock such as dairy cows and fish, but we see a huge opportunity in the future to take the protein in the canola and be able to transform it in a way that we as humans can have that as a source of plant-based protein for our diets.
When we look at what we produce in Canada, Canada is a global leader in canola. Seventy percent of all the canola traded in the world comes from Canada, and we have a huge opportunity to have some made-in-Canada innovation to take the protein that is currently in canola and make it into a form that can be a plant-based protein for humans in Canada and North America and around the world.
The protein industries supercluster we see as an opportunity to help us commercialize that, not just for canola, but for other prairie crops, like pulses, for example. There are incredible opportunities to take what we're doing really well and add more value to it and provide an opportunity for more plant-based protein around the world.