Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
I want to thank the minister for being here to take our questions.
I'm going to talk a little bit more about TPP as well.
I come from Oshawa. We build cars, and General Motors is part of the Detroit three. With the original TPP, the negotiations included NAFTA. You're aware of that, how we were going to renegotiate for the entire North American bloc and include these specific countries.
We now have a world of uncertainty. We have some domestic uncertainty. I believe we have that side letter with Japan that talks about the dispute settlement process between Canada and Japan in auto parts. Now that NAFTA's still up in the air, we seem to have a difference of opinion between the Detroit manufacturers and the offshore manufacturers. I was wondering how you see these disputes working their way out when we have TPP. We have a certain set of rules for auto parts, for example, and then NAFTA seems to be going a different way. How do you give solace to our manufacturers, our parts manufacturers, that when we get these two agreements going, they are going to be reconciled?