It is a hypothetical question you're posing. I have not seen any signals today under the current administration that the United States is interested in joining. Even if the United States decided under the current administration that it wanted to come back to the fold, we would expect that they would immediately want to lift the suspended provisions, and I would expect on top of that that they would make additional demands, because I don't think the current president likes the CPTPP agreement.
In terms of our view—and I don't speak for the country—my own personal view is that we would welcome any country to join this agreement if they're prepared to take on the high-standard, ambitious commitments made in the agreement. If they're not prepared to do that, then I don't think they'd be welcome to negotiate an accession process with us.
That said, the agreement was originally structured so it could expand. Hopefully one day, or ideally one day, it could include all 21 APEC economies, plus others. You heard from my opening remarks that the United Kingdom, which does have an island in the Pacific, has expressed an interest in joining if they separate from the European Union.