They buy more equipment, spend more money. We know the cycle. Great.
Probably the last point I'll be able to make is that there's a tremendous growing middle class in the Asia-Pacific area. Even in some of the countries we have bilaterals with like Korea, it's growing. We need to do more there.
Is there an opportunity for offshore investment? We could use more cattle processing in Saskatchewan. We could probably use some more crush capacity. We could use some more malt capacity, fractionalization, and all the value-added going on with pulses. Have you seen or heard of—I know I have a few on my list—people that are looking to invest in Saskatchewan in the agricultural lines? Of course, all of that creates jobs too.
Do you see a value there that we're not quantifying yet on investment in value-added? This is very important. We're not just hewers of wood and drawers of water anymore. When you look at the cost of transportation and so on, we need to send out a more value-added product.
Has there been any work done in that regard?