Fair enough. I think that to support the work we're doing here, the more information we have on the benefits you're bringing to us today, the better we can make our decisions and put our report forward to Parliament.
My second question is really around the ISDS. I hear and understand that you see this as being an impartial dispute resolution mechanism based on international standards, which protects foreign investors and thereby encourages increased investment flows between signatory countries.
That said, such mechanisms have been criticized for a variety of reasons. For example, some believe that the mechanisms are not sufficiently transparent, that members selected for the arbitration tribunals are not fully impartial, and that the mechanisms could create a regulatory chill, or a reluctance by governments to make new regulations or enforce existing ones. Will the provisions included in the investment chapter of the TPP ensure that the Government of Canada will preserve its full rights to legislate and regulate in the public interest, including for public health and environmental reasons?