Thank you.
We have heard some commentary as well from stakeholders on that issue. I guess I would reiterate that the provisional safeguards, which are in place for 200 days, are in the form of a tariff rate quota. Companies that are importing along the lines of historical volumes should be able to continue, provided that they are obtaining the permits that are required.
The intent wasn't to kind of clamp down too much on imports. It was to address the surge but not go too far with it. We are taking feedback from companies that might face particular issues, and certainly the trade tribunal will be hearing these views as well as part their process, and those views will then be reflected, I would think, in the recommendation that comes back to the government for any final safeguard that might be recommended.
We're certainly listening to those views. If there are things that are of a more urgent nature, I think we would reflect on that and see whether the government needs to do something to address it.