The only thing—and this is just us sitting here—that would be preferable goes back to the first question about the timeline, but I can understand why it wasn't possible. It felt as though we did our work and then the finance department was going to put forward their recommendation to the Minister of Finance, who was then going to go to cabinet. For us to have to wait for the rubber stamp to find out.... It would have been nice to know sooner, even though you guys have a process, because it sounded—I'm sorry for calling it a rubber stamp—like the decision was very likely, whatever the Department of Finance recommended.
It was just that much longer to not be able to communicate any certainty to our industry and our customers. As somebody who received the remission, if we had known as soon as the Department of Finance recommended it and that it was subject to...but we didn't get that. I can understand that the government has a process, but sitting in our seat, that would have been ideal.