I have a comment and maybe just a quick question.
This has been an amazing experience. I'm from southwestern Ontario, and we get a little bit smug about our production and our crop potential. But I'll tell you, when you come out west and you see what has happened here—I'm speaking as a southern Ontario boy—it is nothing short of astounding to see the potential and to see the energy. I just want to commend you all on that. As a businessman, when I go to a place like this, I get pumped when I see all that energy. I think it's just fabulous, and I hope we can accommodate you to continue to move on as you press forward.
My question is this. We talked about growth potential, but is there still land you haven't gotten to? I know our crop yields are getting higher and higher, but are there still areas you can go to and exploit so that as this market continues to grow, and the demand gets higher, it can be met?