Absolutely, and there's also a tremendous opportunity to expand and value-add to what we do. We don't just ship out bulk commodities to the same extent that we used to. I think a lot of those communities that we're now negotiating with have rice- and noodle-based diets, with some protein from the pulse side and so on.
There's a tremendous opportunity for us with the work that we've done at the CIGI and the grain commission and that you have done as well on your own in-house. There are now barley derivatives that replace and have more nutrients in them. There's now the ability to blend proteins from pea fibre and lentil fibre and so on into the noodle, so that it's not just a carbohydrate and there's actually protein as well.
Do you see more potential when we look at these markets such as Brunei and Malaysia or, for that matter, Vietnam or even Japan?