I'd just like to add that I think we always assume that there are provisions there for corporations suing or whatever. I'll go back to my experience in the wheat trade, when I was on the Wheat Board advisory committee. Our American neighbours sued us nine times over durum and we won every case. We cannot just assume that we will lose because somebody's challenging something. Because of our standards, and the quality of our products, and the care we've taken in our industry for our workers, I think we will win those cases in many circumstances.
I still have to ask, though, as I think we're better off to have more jobs, if you think we should promote more trade. We just heard this morning from the pork producers that they have 13,000 jobs in Manitoba alone, many of them unionized jobs, and if we don't have these kinds of trade agreements, they believe they will have to lay people off.
Can you just expand on that? I know exactly that there are two sides to every coin, but the—