Of course, the feeling is that then we have to sign the agreement, but we want to make sure that it's safe. I noticed that you've all talked about the science-based need for food rules, phytosanitary agreements, and that sort of thing.
The trade dispute settlement mechanisms that would be in this agreement are different from even those in the CETA and are much more modern, I believe. I could get you to expand on that, but I also noted that each of you has indicated in some way in your presentations today what would happen if we stall out and don't sign this agreement. It's not so much my first question, which was about what is the potential in the future, it's how bad could it be.
You've just indicated, François, I think, that if we stall out.... In my experience as a farm leader, if you stall out, you're living with the status quo and you're always going backwards, if that's where your target is. Could you expand on the lost opportunity? I think some of you have mentioned it.