I think if you're going to be hiring new people, you need to hire people who are not diplomats. You need to hire salespeople, people who can go in and get you an appointment with whoever you want to target in a foreign market.
I don't know if you've heard of a website called theomx.com. They match large companies with a supply chain that has that capability. You need those kinds of matching capabilities for people who need something but who maybe don't know about or can't resource who has that skill.
Then, there's just pairing up companies that have gaps when we have solutions. We have such great solutions in Canada. What I have found since I founded the coalition two years ago, in getting to know the businesses and what they do, is that the stuff that we develop will blow your socks off.
The other thing that would be helpful would be to take people who have patents and try to take those patents global. A lot of small and medium-sized businesses just don't have the resources to do that. If I'm going to sell something, it's going to be me selling it. If it's a new market, it's going to be me doing that.
We need assistance in making those connections with those global partners and with large companies that have a footprint and that maybe want to carry some of our products and sell them on our behalf.