On these, one can never communicate enough. I find that many times, when somebody's looking at new markets, it is very overwhelming. The country is new, the rules are different and the culture is different. It becomes very overwhelming for small businesses to really venture into that.
The more we can provide in terms of information and support, the easier we can make it for them to understand what the market requirements are. We can help them connect with somebody who has already done it, has penetrated the market and there are some success stories. Pair them with those people, share some good case studies and help them understand and simplify the rules and regulations. All of that will go a long way in terms of demystifying a new market or making it easier for them to really look into it closely and say, “Yes, we can do it. It's not as difficult as it seems.”
Communication is very, very important, and of course, matching them with people who have succeeded, but so are interactive sessions where we can get some people who have done it to offer support to them and have trade commissioners come and talk about how they can help in terms of tapping the new market.