No, the wheels fell off that particular program, sadly, for all sorts of reasons.
The challenge is a big challenge. To generate the potential that is latent in the marketplace, you need to engage people who are practitioners rather than, with all due respect, the theoretical ones, and the challenge is how to get them involved.
In some circumstances, if a number of people show up at a meeting, it's a success. As an entrepreneur, I need to make cash out of it. If there were incentives for some of the people who are experienced in exporting to come alongside and just say, “You should try this, but be careful about this....”
There are so many facets. How do you finance the first deal? EDC has stuff out there, but it's not cheap, and to get there, understandably so, is a very slippery process. It's a bit of a tough way to get some of the funding in place.
I think if we can marry a lot of these different entities together, we can have a lot of success in the Canadian marketplace.