I would like to see free trade too. I just don't think it is a possibility, because this is U.S. trade laws at work here, and the U.S. authorities are utilizing their trade laws to protect their market. Our assessment of the situation is that free trade per se is not an option. It is either managed trade or litigation, one of those two. Some people differ from that view, but history tells us that our assessment is correct. That's number one.
Number two is that with respect to the modernized agreement, there are ways to take the structure of the 2006 SLA and improve its effectiveness. That is what we would like to see happen under a new arrangement. It would mean taking into account the changes in economic circumstance, whether it is through currency, improvements in information flow, or changes in dispute resolution mechanisms, to make it a more effective agreement that would work for producers on both sides of the border, for consumers in the U.S., and for communities in British Columbia and the rest of Canada as well.