I frankly don't see it. The regime that we have in Canada is similar to what we have in the United States. From an intellectual property perspective, there is little advantage to locating in one country versus the other. In fact, for a small Canadian start-up to compete, they have to be able to compete in the United States.
I've dealt with many Canadian start-ups, and they see their biggest market as the United States. They want to start in Canada, and they have relationships in Canada, but ultimately the big win is in the United States. They recognize that they have to file for protection in the United States. In fact, the first place they file for patent protection is the United States. They need the protection. Investors look to see if they have IP protection, and if they don't, it could be a reason for not giving companies the rounds of financing they want. It is important to Canadian innovators to have robust intellectual property protection.