There hasn't been so much on the veterinary products that are used, although that's an area that has improved over the last 10 years. We have seen Health Canada and the FDA working more closely to try to have that harmonization. With respect to the agreement itself, per se, I wouldn't say that has changed, but we have seen that happen.
Some of the things that we're looking for are.... We already know that our meat inspection systems in Canada and the U.S. are deemed equivalent. We recognize theirs is equivalent to ours and vice-versa. When we ship a load of beef from, let's say, High River, Alberta, into the United States, it's been inspected under that system. It's deemed equivalent to the U.S., but when it gets to the border, it may or may not have to go to something called an I house, an inspection house, where it gets reinspected. That's an inefficient step. We don't think it's entirely best for food safety to open trucks at the border.