I don't have exact figures in terms of our market shares, but I can tell you what we are doing to help our members. We are now organizing more trade missions to the United States. In 2008, we stopped organizing missions to the U.S. because the news was not very good. We rather invested our efforts in markets that were doing better and in welcoming buyers to Montreal.
It is not easy to regain market shares, but we are working on it regularly by organizing missions to the U.S. customs. Five time a year, we bring about 150 exporters to the border to spend a day there, meeting customs agents and learning to understand the process. It is important to help them understand the process a product goes through at U.S. customs if we want to facilitate the movement of goods across the border.
In terms of services, we organize missions to position our industries. We will soon have missions to New York, for engineering, and there will also be some for construction, and so on. The New York market is and always will be very important to us. We want to regain our market shares there, while opening ourselves up to other countries and other important markets, of course.