I'm going to submit my statement. I just want to make two points.
First, Bombardier was here. Bombardier received a $1 billion U.S. investment this fall from the provincial government to rescue the C Series because our provincial government decided it was important to do that.
As you know, under NAFTA, chapter 11, right now Resolute Forest Products, which was formerly AbitibiBowater, is suing Nova Scotia for unfair advantage to a domestic corporation because they are giving a seven-year, $125 million loan to restart a paper mill in Port Hawkesbury that supports 1,400 local jobs. The revenue represents 2.5% of the provincial GDP.
Now, Bombardier talked about its potential competitors. Basically, the ISDS provisions are pretty much the big problem for everyone you're seeing in the room today. This is not really a trade deal, but these provisions would allow any competitor to sue my government here in Quebec for having chosen to invest in Bombardier.
It's a very concrete example that's relevant to what was discussed today about why we are so concerned as citizens. This agreement will hamstring you as well as my municipal and provincially elected representatives from acting in the public interest.
We have already seen under NAFTA that we have been sued in Canada for bans on the sale of toxic substances for health reasons, for refusal to issue operating permits on environmental grounds, and for acting to encourage local research and development and job creation efforts.
We all understand trade. We understand the old version of comparative advantage and tariffs and trade barriers and the need to negotiate international agreements. There's very little in this agreement that actually addresses these issues about trade that we all care about.
As it stands, I ask you to reject this deal. You're basically going to lock your hands.
Thank you.