Good afternoon.
It is remarkably telling that, when asked, corporations have absolutely no objection to the present form of the TPP—of course not. It was drafted for the corporations, not with the public in mind. In fact, the current CEO of the corporate world in the White House, President Obama, during five and a half years, allowed corporations to enter the negotiations, which were carried out completely secretly, while the public was kept on the side.
The TPP is only the first phase of what is nothing short of a corporate world takeover. The TTIP and TISA are part of that idea.
Coincidentally, China, Brazil, India, and Russia are not included in any of these trade deals.
The ISDS is not a problem; it is nothing short of criminal. The ISDS is not a court; it is not a legitimate court. It is run not by judges but by lawyers. Decisions are final.
To finish—although I would like to add a few things—the last act of Canadian political bravery was when Jean Chrétien said no to the American war in Iraq. I wish the present government would say no to the TPP and take this to a referendum. Canadians are not opposed to trade; we are opposed to trading decency for profits.
Thank you.