We're going to start our second panel in our consultation with Canadians on the TPP agreement.
As many of you know, it's a big agreement. It will affect every Canadian and most people around the world, whether you're a consumer or doing trade and competing with companies around the world.
That said, this is the fifth province we've visited. It's great to be here in Montreal.
On our second panel we have, as an individual, Madam Gendreau. From the Board of Trade of Metropolitan Montreal we have Guy Jobin and Charles-André Major. We also have from the Centre international de solidarité, Denise Gagnon and Amélie Nguyen.
Welcome, everybody.
If panellists can keep it to five minutes, we'd appreciate it. That gives lots of time for MPs to be able to interact with you. The last panel went well.
We're going to start off with you, Madam Gendreau, for five minutes. Go ahead.