Thank you very much for your presentations this morning.
You know we entered into the TPP late, and the U.S. didn't really want us in even at that point. We entered in a position of weakness and we continue to bargain from that position. In that position we cracked open our dairy supply-managed market, which is unacceptable to most Canadians when they become aware that is part of the deal.
You talk about the diafiltered milk issue, and I know that you know the NDP put forward a motion that was unfortunately shut down. We need protection in our domestic markets, and I think you've made it clear there's much more to trade than deals like the TPP.
Let's focus on the TPP and the proposed compensation package. The compensation package sits in limbo. We don't know where it's at right now. The government has said that they will consult again with dairy and other industries in supply management.
Can you tell us the proposed amounts under the previous government? Were they sufficient to sustain the industry, or would they have a negative impact on the industry in the long term?