Thank you.
Thank you for your presentations this morning.
Mr. Pyun, I want to ask a couple of questions. Of course, Bombardier is an amazing Canadian success story. You mentioned that we have 24,000 good-paying jobs here in Canada, and I know those are jobs that communities rely upon, that Canadians rely upon.
We've heard from the auto sector and from other manufacturers here. We had Ford Motor Company here saying they don't feel the TPP is a good deal. We have had labour representatives from many manufacturing organizations with the same message.
A concern that they have around the regional value chains is that they could be threatened by a move to lower-waged economies, such as Vietnam. We know that they make 52ยข an hour in Vietnam. You mentioned the opportunities to have plants in those countries. Our concern is that the jobs would move with them, right down the supply chain. It's cheaper to manufacture in those countries, but we don't want to see those jobs leave Canada.
Do you think that the TPP could create new jobs in Canada for Bombardier, or secure existing jobs?