Thank you so much for your presentations here this morning.
We're discussing the U.S. and Japan a lot. Japan has come up numerous times at this panel as a market that people would like access to. In terms of the U.S., though, I'd like to say that whether or not we sign the TPP, they still have the advantage. If we were to ratify here in Canada and go to the U.S., the U.S. still holds the power to determine whether or not they allow our entry. Therefore, really there's no push for us to sign ahead of this two-year window we have for this ratification process.
The U.S., as I said, has advantages in many ways. We heard about the auto chapter. They actually opted out of the chapter on labour mobility because they see it as a threat to their sovereignty. There are many ways that the U.S. was able to protect themselves in this deal that Canada was not. These are things that are deeply concerning to us on this committee.
I'll go back to auto, because of course we're sitting here in Windsor. Before I do that, though, Ms. Ludwig brought up the Tufts University study. It's part of the struggle we have, as well, that we have no economic impact study that exists. Global Affairs Canada hasn't done one. There are different economic models that have been done, and they show, essentially, a 0.0% to 0.2% increase in our GDP by 2030, which—by all accounts we've heard at this committee—is a rounding error. It's not being shown that the benefits are there for us, and the job losses are estimated at around 60,000.
I would like to go to Mr. Marchand and basically ask you if you can read into record that resolution you brought before us, and if you can talk a little more about how you think Canada's auto industry and our auto industry here in Windsor-Essex would be impacted by the TPP.