Thank you all for being here. We certainly would love to have visited the greenhouses, George. And believe me, we talked about it. It was a matter of time. I make that offer to any one of my colleagues repeatedly. It's something to behold and see, the largest collection of greenhouses under glass in North America, and an industry that's continuing to grow.
We're centring more on agriculture at this panel, although Mr. Naidu has reminded us of the challenges that we have with manufacturing. I'm going to spend a little more time on agriculture.
Since we were first elected in 2006, the greenhouse industry has had some challenges, there's no question. You and I have had many conversations, but I think it's safe to say that across the board the industry has seen some gains, and those gains, I would dare say, have been the result of good markets. You mentioned the importance of that bridge and how important it was to build, which you and I talked about, and the importance of the American market of 320 million people, who just consume a fraction of what Canadians do, which in turn is a fraction of what Europeans consume.
Maybe you could talk about the potential for growth and the reason that good trade agreements have to be in place and enforced in order for that to become a reality and us to continue to grow.