I would disagree with that only because in 2008-09, there was a recession. Some people might not want to consider that, but some people even considered it a depression to an extent. The reality is that the elastic band was stretching. In the States, they call these “NINJA” loans. There were people with no income and no jobs, and they still got loans to buy houses, and the market couldn't handle that. And your SAAR rate went from 18.2 million down to almost 13 million vehicles over the course of the year. That's the seasonally adjusted annual rate of sales.
When you start to see that and the sales begin to drop, I don't think any company was facilitated to maintain that other than companies that had billions of dollars in a bank account someplace that could kind of wobble through it. But the reality is that we're stronger and better than we've ever been. We have month-over-month sales increases over the last sixty-five months. We just talked about a first quarter with one of our highest earnings, in which incomes for the company, I think, were over $500 million. Some great things are happening, and again, they did that alone. When you really take that into consideration with regard to the investment at the Windsor assembly plant, I think it's a great thing. Also, they paid back the loans from the government from back in 2008-09 within a few years.
I think they did some amazing things. I think they're on track and I think they're going to continue to be on track because they have a plan in place to be able to maintain that.