Thank you.
As the MPP for the riding you are currently sitting in, I want to welcome you. I didn't prepare remarks, because I was going to come here today with an open mind and listen to what everybody said—not just the members on the panel, but those who were presenting—and highlight some points.
I want to start with some of the disturbing things I've heard. They're a little concerning for me, representing a riding where a large portion of our economy is in manufacturing. It provides a lifestyle for many people in my riding.
From the Conservative side, the ending note was a little concerning. There was some discussion about the fact that manufacturing is leaving: we're losing the Big Three in Windsor, so we should just resign ourselves to letting that happen and looking to bring in other automotive companies.
I don't agree with you. I don't agree with you. I think that's wrong-headed. I think as leaders—you were supposed to be leaders, when you had government—you should be fighting to keep what we have, fighting like hell to keep what we have, and then supplementing it by bringing others in. I don't think we should resign ourselves to letting anything go when it affects people, because it is affecting people. They're not numbers, they're not dollar signs, they're real people, and it affects their lives. It's really unfortunate that you feel we should just stop fighting for them.
There was also, in a roundabout way, an implication that the reason we've lost some of our auto sector here in Ontario, more specifically here in Windsor, is that we don't have a product that people want. Or perhaps it's not specifically the product, but perhaps it's the quality of the product.
I disagree with you. I think if the product weren't good, we wouldn't see investments from Ford and we wouldn't see investments, huge investments, from Chrysler. It's not a matter of the auto sector leaving because we don't have what people want. You have to look at the bigger picture. The economy at the time when we were losing jobs was not a good economy.
Currently the cost of energy is a big issue. I'm going to point that to the Liberal side, because you now have partners at the provincial table. Although the Conservative government wasn't interested in working with the provincial Liberals, you have an opportunity to let them know that the direction they're going in, selling off our hydro, and the rates going up, is not helping manufacturing. It's not helping any business. You have the opportunity to be leaders, working with the provincial government, to let them know they need to change course on that decision.
I also heard from the Liberal side that many people are now choosing to go work overseas, that this is what they want to do. I disagree with that. Some people want to go overseas to work, but the majority of our manufacturing and business sector want to stay in their own communities and work. I would implore you to think twice about that comment and to think about how you can fight to keep manufacturing jobs here in Ontario, and specifically in my riding.
One thing I—