Thank you for the opportunity to speak. I'm not going to take five minutes. I basically have questions.
My first question is, what protection do we have as producers in all sectors of the agricultural industry from the importation of products that have medications, pesticides, or herbicides that are not registered in Canada, or have been banned by Health Canada and the PMRA—or, in our case, our own province? This takes away our competitive edge in many ways, especially with the cost of production. Have the regulations for federal inspections changed? In the near past, federal inspection was done according to the country of origin, and not necessarily following our Canadian federal regulatory standards. What will the labelling standards be for the blending of imported TPP country food products that will still be classed as a product of Canada? How will agriculture be protected for our geared up production for export to TPP countries if those countries are closed because of non-tariff issues? Our federal support programs have been reduced to a level of basic non-financial liability. These are only a few of the questions that need to be clearly spelled out.