The people of Canada elected the Liberal Party to administer our democracy. The TPP destroys our democracy, replacing it with an oligarchy. We the people have never given you authority to do that. The TPP makes the Trudeau Liberals, like the reviled Harper Conservatives before them, a rogue government.
The secret ISDS courts are a swift kick in the face to democracy and a sucker punch to the gut of justice. The only right protected by this sickening trade agreement is the insane, irrational right of millionaires to make a profit.
We elected you to govern in a manner that protects our economic rights. Instead, you have sold our economic rights to the elite “one percent”. You are now a rogue government.
The TPP allows the pathologically greedy millionaires to erase the last shreds of our cherished democratic and environmental protection laws. These are the same environmental laws we elected you to protect and enforce. With these toxic trade agreements, you have become a rogue government like the Harper government before you.
The TPP allows the pathologically greedy millionaires to erase the last frail shreds of our civil rights, the same civil rights we elected you to restore.
You have betrayed us. You campaigned on a theme of change. You have not changed the TPP; you have not changed the ISDS courts. You are now a rogue government.
Thank you.