Yes, absolutely. The availability of skilled labour continues to be an issue. We're doing an enormous amount to try to develop people right here. We have more than 600 apprentices working for us globally, in our organization alone.
We're growing quite rapidly. We've been growing in double digits every year, and having strong technical people is absolutely key to the innovation that I was discussing earlier from a process perspective and that continues from an improvement perspective. As a result, we have gone beyond our borders to try to bring people into our operations to supplement what we can produce using people internally.
I think immigration is great stop-gap that we can use, until we can start to develop more and more people and encourage more people into skilled trades. That starts much younger, doesn't it, with a focus on STEM—science, technology, engineering, and math—and getting more people into those areas and increasing the number of people going into skilled trades.
I think this is working; we are seeing more people in STEM and we're seeing more people starting to go into skilled trades, which is fantastic. It's just that the numbers aren't big enough yet, so we need to keep that effort going. In the meantime we can use immigration to help fill the role.