Climate scientists agree that human civilization cannot survive the 6°C of warming we are in trajectory for by the end of the century. Globally and in this country, we are not reducing emissions quickly enough to reach the Paris target of remaining under 1.5°C or even 2°C. Climate change progresses non-linearly. The rate of warming itself increases, especially when we reach what climate scientists call “runaway” or “irreversible” climate change. After 1.5°C, natural feedback mechanisms kick in, and skyrocketing temperatures cannot be stopped.
Under the TPP's investor-state dispute settlement mechanisms, fossil fuel corporations can sue states for hurting their profits. Hurting the profits of fossil fuel corporations is a political, economic, and moral necessity, because we cannot afford to burn 80% of the world's fossil fuel reserves. The last thing Canada and the global community can afford is to be sued for making the utterly necessary transition to a green economy.
The polluters should be made to pay, but under the TPP, not only does the polluter not pay, we, the taxpayers, the citizens, pay for the polluter. It's simply absurd.
While Alberta burns from wildfires intensified by climate change, with far worse disasters to come, we can debate whether or not Canada will be left behind in the global economy if we don't ratify the TPP, but you can't argue with the climate: 10, 20, 30 years from now, that will be abundantly clear.
We don't have time to be sued by corporations for saving the planet and all chance of decent life on it. That alone is enough to say no to the TPP.