Thank you so much for your presentations to us here this morning.
The position we're sitting in is yes or no. It's not can we renegotiate, what can we change, can we drop something? We are in this, yes or no.
We are the most sued country under ISDS provisions, as you well know, Mr. Schneiderman.
When we talk about an automotive strategy, maybe a manufacturing strategy that we'd like to implement, in Windsor yesterday there was a huge forum that Ray Tanguay participated in and, I'm sure, many of your colleagues. Under ISDS provisions, if we attempt to put in an auto strategy or a manufacturing strategy, we may be sued under ISDS provisions for being protectionist, so we have these juxtapositions where we'd like to improve the lives of Canadians in terms of the environment and in terms of jobs that are available, but our hands will be tied from doing so under these ISDS provisions.
We have a lot of folks who come before us, but there are lots who have not, and so I'm very pleased to see Malcolm Buchanan here today speaking on behalf of 500,000 retirees and seniors. This is a voice that hasn't been represented so far at this committee, and it's important that we hear from the seniors.
I share the concerns that my colleague had. I thought it was interesting that he was asking you about your pension plan. I'm concerned about your being able to live in dignity as well. I'm concerned about the cost of drugs if we sign the TPP. What will that mean to your 500,000 members? Will they be able to afford increased drug costs in Canada?