The TPP is a secret trade agreement that will only benefit multinationals, multi-millionaires, large law firms, lobbyists, and our big brother, the U.S, which has ravished its own and depleted its own country.
There will be more and more censorship on the Internet and in the packaging of goods. We will not be allowed to label foods with MSG, GMOs, growth hormone foods, etc.
We will not have the freedom to choose. Secrecy is the number one order of business. Don't let the people know until it is too late.
Past trade deals have not benefited most Canadians.
We have seen big losers in manufacturing where companies have gone overseas and to Mexico. With them have gone good paying jobs and also some average paying jobs. Telemarketing, office work, call centres, and everything are going overseas. There are more unemployment and big losses in full-time work. More workers are being told to become contractors, or independent businesses, or corporate businesses, and being forced to take jobs or not work.