Okay, thank you.
I'll take the first cut, and then I'll turn to my colleagues.
Yes, “Buy America” is one of the irritants I talked about. The figure I cited was that actually 77% of all of our merchandise exports in 2014 went to the United States, so it is by far and away our largest market. Amidst that thriving trading relationship, irritants do come up from time to time. Buy America is one of them.
To clarify, there is no single Buy America act. Buy America has to do with government procurement. Some of what we generically call Buy America is at the federal level. Some of what we call Buy America is at the state level. Sometimes it's a municipal stricture that the procurement into any government works project must come from the United States.
With that as a chapeau, let me turn to whoever is our Buy America expert—irritant expert.