Well, that's a very difficult question for me to answer. I guess my question back to you would be whether you have to choose or whether you can do both.
My experience, having done many consultations over the past couple of months, primarily but not exclusively focused on TPP, has been that during the course of those conversations with a variety of different stakeholders—Canadians, provinces, officials, municipal governments, etc.—we talked not just about one file but about many things. As I understand it, the committee is considering outreach. It seems normal to me that, in conversations with interested Canadians who are looking at trade either because they're traders or because they are experts in the field, they will be eager to give you their perspective on a variety of initiatives and tell you what their priorities are.
I guess my answer back to you, which is perhaps not a straightforward answer, is that I'm not sure that as a country we need to choose a priority. I think we can say without question that softwood lumber is a very important file. It is a very valuable and very economically significant sector of our economy. From a trade policy perspective, it represents a tension that we have to resolve. At the same time, I think it's very important that we have concluded some free trade agreements. We need to finish them and bring them into force. Then there's the TPP, which is different again, and the government is actively trying to make sure that it understands the views of Canadians with respect to the TPP.
I would maybe put it back to you that it strikes me that both could probably be done in the course of the same interactions you have with the witnesses you bring to this committee.