You also made a point in Tuesday's presentation that innovation is driven by trade, efficiencies and innovation. That leads to commercialization, because now you have a broader marketplace to develop that in. You're not supplying Canada or the United States; you're supplying everybody in the TPP.
I think that's excellent to continue to press on. Businesses themselves, when we've been talking to them, are talking about ratifying sooner rather later because they need the predictability as they tool up, as they gear up for this new availability. I'm hopeful that some of the cards and letters you're getting are from businesses asking when, so that they know who to hire, how to hire, and what they're going to need when it comes to innovation.
To that end, as a department, are you proactive with accuracy and information? There's a “myth-information”, I call it, out there. Do you have a website that has frequently asked questions and comments, so that people can go to that rather than going through all the work of writing you a letter and waiting for the response, and so on? Are you starting to have a compilation? We're seeing certain themes here, concerns about ISDS, IP, and different things like that. Do you have a complete package on your website? I haven't seen anything like that yet. Is that something you might consider?