Absolutely. Although we have a lot of great talent on the ground here, because a lot of our firms are specialized sometimes they just can't find that person. Right now, although our companies utilize as much local Newfoundlander and Labradorian and Canadian content as they can, there are times when they have go abroad to find those developers and those specialists.
We have been doing that for many years here already, so this is just a continuation of that. I like the idea of the free flow of labour where if we need to bring someone in here, we can, and if we need to go somewhere else to work, we are not going to be impeded by regulations and red tape.
I think we've proven ourselves here in Newfoundland and Labrador. The types of technologies we are offering to the world are world-class. They can compete with anyone. So we don't have that fear of people coming in here. As a matter of fact, we wish more would.