Thank you for the question.
The question is about the impact on Nova Scotia in the absence of TPP.
It's a really interesting question. In dollar terms, our Atlantic exports from the region, Nova Scotia exports, are overwhelmingly dominated by energy products, by petroleum products, flowing into the U.S., primarily through New Brunswick. That's where the giant numbers are with respect to the Atlantic region's trade, and Nova Scotia is part of that.
The losses if we're not in it—or otherwise put, the missed gains—are in the seafood sector primarily, both in product and in improved tariff access or lower tariffs in the Asian markets. The percentages in potential tariff reductions seem small, but they're going to matter.
The potential opening in Vietnam is fascinating. If you look through the schedule, you see that Vietnam looks to be among the really big winners in the system. Ratification has been held up by the government in Hanoi for reasons unknown to me, and I'll leave it to others to figure out Hanoi's internal politics.
However, the gains primarily for us are in seafood and other agricultural products.