I want to thank you for the great work you did in China as Minister of Agriculture, and for the fine working relationship we had. It's a great market for us. We've seen our seafood trade, particularly in lobsters, grow by 200% to 300% a year, and we mean to continue that trend. We really have to look at those markets. The markets are demanding higher quality now than they were before.
We're working on a lobster quality project in the province now with three or four companies, for live lobster. There has been a concern that lobster quality wasn't as high as it should be. We're working on that now and we've worked on a new brand that we announced in China. We haven't announced it in Nova Scotia yet, but we announced it in China and Hong Kong when we were there. It went over very successfully, and the new brand is 45N 63W. It identifies a location in the centre of Nova Scotia, actually a very historic site. It's the site of a disaster at the Moose River gold mine that happened in the 1930s and was the subject of CBC's first live news broadcast. We're going to move a monument to that location and do some other things to make that a very special place. Luckily, it's on crown land, so we can do the things we need to do there.
Only companies that have high-quality products will be allowed to use the brand, companies with a consistent quality assurance system. We're working on that system now. We feel that we can penetrate the market even further. One of our major customers has demanded this process, and they've guaranteed us in writing that they're going to give us a higher price than they've ever consistently paid before. That is a major change in the marketing process.
Nova Scotia set the standard for Canada with Alibaba. We're the first ones to go to Alibaba with lobster sales, and the first year we did, they charged us $65,000. We sold $2.2 million's worth of lobster in 24 hours and we ran out of lobster.