I think we've done a very good job of keeping jobs in Canada, despite all of the adversity that we've faced, including from the previous government in the last 10 years.
We have to be smart about how we do this. It's not going to be done with just the union and the company working together at a bargaining table. You need to have government involved in this.
If we care about a sector, whether it's the auto sector, the forest sector, or any sector in this country, we need a proper strategy to develop an industrial strategy for the nation. You can't leave this off on its own and assume that you can leave it up to the marketplace or leave it up to these trade deals. Build in supports in the deals to make sure, for example, that we can have a prosperous auto strategy, forest strategy, or sector in our country, instead of giving away the shop every damn time that we sign these deals. It's unacceptable.