With that proposed amendment, we are looking to ensure predictability in the Canadian marketplace while meeting our trade obligations under WTO.
CCSPA is proposing amendments for two of the acts under discussion, the Pest Control Products Act and the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. We showed the clerk our proposed amendments in our submission, but we'd now like to explain to you our supporting rationales.
CCSPA member companies who manufacture domestic pest control products are regulated under the Pest Control Products Act. Our final products are designed for consumers, so they are personal insect repellents, ant traps, and rodenticides. Our ingredients, the end use, the packaging, the label, advertising, and reporting of those uses are all regulated, and they meet the rigorous requirements of the Pest Control Products Act and its regulations to ensure safety, value, and merit—the pillars of the act.
The amendments being proposed in the bill are meant to facilitate trade and goods in transit through Canada, but the amendment to define the definition of the pest control product label goes well beyond that as it applies to all activities under the act, so it impacts our day-to-day business here in Canada.
In Bill C-13 the definition of label no longer refers to the act or regulations, but instead uses a more generic language to include:
any written, printed or graphic matter that is or is to be applied or attached to or included in, that belongs to or is to belong to, or that accompanies or is to accompany, a pest control product or a package.
It's quite long.
In our opinion, the proposed new definition lacks clarity because of the inclusion of the words “belongs to or is to belong to”, and these words are broad and without clear meaning. Nothing that we have found helps to conclusively answer the question of whether the label includes marketing material not attached or physically proximate to the products such as a QR code or websites. There is nothing to suggest that it is not, and this is our concern.
We have proposed a definition of label that removes the ambiguity of “belongs to or is to belong to” and included the word “prescribed” in reference to the requirements of the act and regulation in the original definition. We believe this change will still allow Canada to meet our trade obligations while, at the same time, not expanding the scope of the definition of pest control product label.
I would now like to shift our focus to the proposed amendments to the Canadian Environmental Protection Act. CCSPA and member companies provide products that improve the lives of Canadians, and CEPA governs our ingredients, new and existing. Our ingredients and also the end use of the product—ant traps, disinfectants, and labelling—are all regulated under appropriate legislation. This is both for consumer use and the workplace.
In our opinion, the proposed CEPA subsection 118(1.1) is not necessary as it could cause some confusion by implying that illegal products with a final destination to Canada may be exempted from Canadian law.
The stated goal of Global Affairs is to be able to specify regulations allowing the import for export of in-transit products not saleable in Canada, as required under two new trade requirements. However, this ability is already in place in CEPA, division 1 of part 7.
The only regulation under the nutrient section of CEPA right now is the one limiting phosphorous in cleaning products, which is a regulation that was based on our industry-led initiative in 2008 to reduce phosphorous in household automatic dishwasher detergent to a maximum of 0.5% by weight.
To meet our trade obligations, the nutrient regulations under section 117 can be amended to accommodate import for export of in-transit products. Environment and Climate Change Canada have confirmed with the CCSPA that such a regulatory amendment would be necessary in any case. In our opinion, the focus should be on amending regulations, not on creating an unnecessary and confusing amendment to CEPA.
We again would like to reiterate our support for the intent of the WTO's facilitation agreement and Canada's participation in that. We believe that, with the amendments we are proposing, unintended consequences for those who deal with these pieces of legislation day to day will be avoided.
Thank you for your time today. I'd be pleased to answer any questions you might have.
Thank you, Mr. Chair.